Saturday, December 21, 2013

Made a little progress

Basically put on about 25-30 lbs. the first pic I was around 135-145lbs. The second pic I'm at 170lbs. most of my progress is from the past year. 2010-2012 I didn't really follow a consistent duet, lifting routine or suppliment stack. 2012-2013 got on a serious mass diet, good routine and suppliments. This past 10 months put on around 15-20 lbs. looking to put on another 15 then start cutting. I'm not really that into the super shredded look I more want the over all mass for strength.. Not really trying to get a six pack but if I happen to get one then cool, not on my list of needs though. Deadlifts went from 135lbs to 315, bench press went from 115lbs to 185, standing barbell press went from 75lbs to 115. Those are probably the most dramatic strength gains I've made. More progress coming soon

Monday, November 4, 2013

Thursday, October 31, 2013

When change becomes noticeable

It's weird having to exchange a shirt for an XL because the L was way too tight. Thank you for the confidence boost lol 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Personal record

Beat my bench press personal record this morning... Feeling a bit better but still super exhausted

Bodybuilder problems

I guess I'm considered a bodybuilder now. My life consists of eating,supplementing, sleep and lifting in between periods of being at work or with my daughter. I'm unmotivated today. I'm tired and still hurting from last week. Is this really all worth it? What am I doing this to myself for? Lol and why am I sitting in my car in front of golds hurt and tired, drinking a pre workout when I want to be at home in bed? .. I guess it's habit now. I have to be here. I have to grow. Got to get motivated. Well.... Time to do chest.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

2 year transformation

It's almost been 2 years since I started seriously lifting. So end of November I'll post a progress update. Keep an eye out and let me know what you think

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Upgraded stack

Starting a new stack of supplements this week. Swapped cellmass and Prolabs gainer for 2 universal nutrition products... Real Gains mass gainer and Torrent. Hopefully help put on a few more pounds faster. I'm a huge fan of cellmass by BSN. I believe most of my current gains have been because of it. The only downside is the stomach bloat it causes for me. My stomach would swell up for a good amount of time everyday after taking it. I decided to switch to Universal's Torrent because they claim it has somthing in it to help prevent that bloating. It also has protein in it so that's so a plus for me. On cellmass I would have to take it post workout then wait 30 min and take my protein..... That's a lot of liquid (basically 2 bottles of water)... And then my stomach would just swell like fuck... Very uncomfortable. Now I just have one drink to cover my post workout and protein. So much better and best of all no stomach swell. So! I'm very confident that I will be able to make faster gains and not feel like I'm going to explode doing it. I was able to put on 10lbs in a little less then 2 months on my old stack lets see if I can top that with the new stack

 My new stack is:
    Universal Animal pak, DrivenSports craze, opti fish oil, cellucore zma, universal real gains and universal torrent

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Hard work pays off

Time to eat one more time then sleep.. Goto lift like hell early in the morning... Make these traps take over my neck more! Goodnight!

Monday, May 20, 2013


Tattooing at the art n' ink festival in Vegas!! June 28-30!! Anyone in the area who's gonna be in town come see me at the lucky stars booth

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Peace of mind

Things have taken a chaotic spiral. Need to hit the breaks before I get broken. Keep my focus and strengthen my character, the body will follow. Goals and peace of mind trough achieving those goals. In other words... I need to stop being an asshole and keep my focus on positives. Look how big I look!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

bad romance

psychobilly lady gaga cover..... amazing

Monday, February 25, 2013


Back from my trip with bean. It was amazing. Bean love it. Definently gonna do it again!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

In the clouds

By this time tomorrow me and bean will be in the sky on out way to Florida for our Disney world trip. I am happy that am finally able to take the squirt traveling. Lost of traveling will be done this year for sure.

Monday, February 11, 2013

This Sunday

Me and Bean will be on our way to Florida.. Going to Disneyworld. I'm excited to get if of California for a week!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Cutting weight

Since I got a nasty case of food poisoning and lost 6 lbs.. I figure fuck it ill cut weight for a few weeks to loose my gut then clean bulk so I can keep a six pack. Lets see how it goes

Thursday, January 10, 2013

A million Hail Mary's won't save you now

Theme of a large painting I'm currently working on. It will be for sale. Keep an eye on my blog and Instagram (@phantomtat2)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

day 1

first day of the year!! one of the best things to come out of 2012.. Aesop Rocks new cd skelethon. this is my favorite song on the album -Cycles to Gehenna- time for me to get ready for my date tonight.. my girl and my daughter have a date with boiling crab... im gonna eat a shit-ton. got 5 months to get up to 210 lbs!!!