Monday, October 24, 2011

machine building 101

the military has a process in which they tear down a person mentally and physically and then build them back up. a reprogramming i guess you could call it. kind of in the process of doing this to myself... im broken mentally and physically at the minute but i am recovering and getting stronger in both categories. building a better machine. am i obsessing over myself too much? i guess maybe i am or maybe i havent payed enough attention to myself to realize that what i need is in fact a big fat dose of "break down and rebuild". i thought i knew what it felt like to be in this process. i thought i went through this before a year ago.. but this year showed me i didnt know shit. ive never felt stronger and ive also never felt weaker.. but i wouldnt have it any other way because i know what im gonna get in the end

Monday, October 17, 2011

naked mo' fucka.... fightin everyone

somedays i feel like Bronson.... bare ass naked, locked in a cage, fightin with everyone

you think i aint worth a dollar.... but i feel like a millionaire

the phantom club

so, due to the current changes in my life i have decided to go full force and fuck some shit up. i will be putting together my website soon and updating my youtube channel. on this website you will find my art, art for sale, my tattoo portfolio and shirts(coming soon). i dont know why i put this off for so long but.. i guess no time is better than now. keep an eye out