Sunday, September 30, 2012


Starting a new lifting program tomorrow called 5/3/1.. It's a strength and size program. Powerlifting shit. I'm getting more into the strength area of things rather than trying to get a "body".. I kinda wanna see how strong I can get. I'm kinda over the beach body thing honestly. I'm not trying to be a model. I do wanna be able to rip someone in half though. Lets see what happens. Squats, deadlifts, bench presses and military presses all day. Keeping up with my diet and supplements. I'm doing pretty good. I feel really good and I am noticing changes in my body, it's only been like a month and a half. Lets see if this 5/3/1 program progresses me further

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Time for coma

Sleep to heal and grow. 25lbs by January

Monday, September 24, 2012


It's fun to tattoo

Friday, September 21, 2012

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Aesop rock

Gopher guts is one of The best songs ever written

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pulling teeth

Had the craziest dream last night that one of my teeth fell out. I didn't get scared though. I started pulling all my teeth out one by one and dropping them in a sink. It was weird

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Trying to get big

For those interested in my diet, here it is:
-5000 cal. Minimum per day over 4-6 meals including cytogainer

-supplements: animal test, animal pak, cellmass, cytogainer, casein protein, fish oil

My work out is one I put together my self. It's all mass gaining (heavy as you can lift at low rep/sets). Bench press, squats, deadlifts and shoulder presses as main focus with some extra shoulder and chest stuff thrown in. Recently added a crazy barbell shrug routine (Trapasaurus Rex lol) basically its 12 sets of shrugs and it fucking hurts. pretty much an hour and a half of lifting every other day. going for mass And strength not model body right now. Should be interesting to see how I'll change being that I'm so thin

The hardest part about what I'm trying right now is the diet. The cytogainer does make it easier though because I don't have to keep stuffing food into my face I can just drink a shake. Other than that it's not so bad. The first 2weeks were the hardest. It's working though. I'm already seeing results

Friday, September 14, 2012

Kat Williams

A lot of people wouldn't guess this but Kat Williams is actually someone I really look up to hahah. There is actually a lot of good advice in his stand up

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Growing pains

My shoulders and neck are sore..... I need a massage

Thursday, September 6, 2012

True colors

Destroying something some one put a piece of themselves into is wrong. Destroying art work someone made for you is wrong no matter what the situation. It is not replaceable. It can only be made once and is invaluable. One of my favorites was destroyed. I will think twice before painting something for a gift ever again. I dont hate anyone but I definitely look at them in a different way. words cannot describe how i feel right now