Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Its that time again. Time for a new year. Time for changes phyisical and mental. I take this very seriously especially after the year I've had. There was a lot of good and a ton of bad. It was deffinently a learning experience and I'm still learning every day. Learning the hard way is usually the only thing that works for me.
SO, with that being said, I am gonna make some new changes this coming year. I am going to continue to get my body on point the way I feel it should be, because its what I want. Gonna do more painting, I've been slacking the past month or 2. I want to get more tattooes on myself for sure. Mentaly I need to get my self straightened out. Its beean a super emotional year. I'm not down to have next year be a repeat at all. No more bickering and fighting. No more jealousy or anger or whatever. I'm done with all that. I'm gonna be 30 in a couple months I'm not gonna argue like a 15 year old anymore. I guess that's it.. Gonna get my body and mind where it needs to be along with my money situation and tattooing. I need to be more selfish and invest more into myself. Big changes Big changes.. Its gonna be a good year or I will break myself trying to make it one. i am seriously looking forward to the new year

Monday, December 12, 2011

You gots ta changify

New year equals fixing something that you feel needs to be fixed in your own life. I will make some changes to better myself.. Infact I'm already taking steps to break "bad habits". And by bad habits I mean stuff that I think is stupid that I always find find myself doing. Self control is my problem. I haven't had a lot of it recently and its bugging me. For me, I think of life like tattooing and painting, if you arnt learning or improving then you shouldn't be doing it. Progression is what's hot in the streets LOL. Atleast that's just my view on it hahaha. It is 3am and I can't sleep. I want ribs and mashed potatoes badly...

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

nothin bad to say

There comes a point when you realize that you have to just move along. I have nothing bad to say despite all the bad things said to me. Fact is, I have not in the past or recently to deserve being treated the way I have been. Since when is making money to pay my bills and childsupport a bad thing? :) I have nothing bad to say. Fact is.. A guilty conscience causes people to falsly place blame on others to make themselfs feel better or justified in the bad descisions they made. My conscience is clear. No hard feelings

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Be like Brianna

my daughter jumped onto my bed, kissed my forehead and said "I love you daddy" then opened up her dora game and went back to playing And yelling into her nintendo ds... I feel a million times better. The stuff that has been bugging me the past 30 hours (or year for that matter) is now not important or worth the headache thinking about. Life doesn't suck, I make myself believe it does from time to time. I need to get back to keeping it simple like Bean. no more stressing over trivial bullshit. Thanks Bean


Either I did something really shitty and this is karma kicking me in the balls... Or I have a shit ton of good things coming my way soon. Gawdamn I'm hating lif right now.. Guess ill just keep hope and push through it. Life is making me develope some serious body armor

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The calm little center

Laying in bed. Thinking about the past year. I've been taking life too serious. I need to take better care of my own mental health. No more drama, no more needless arguments. Be a calm center in my own self. Zen like, passive, quiet, no anger. Life has a way of working its self out to give you what you want and deserve. Stay possitive and focused. Everything will work out.

Monday, October 24, 2011

machine building 101

the military has a process in which they tear down a person mentally and physically and then build them back up. a reprogramming i guess you could call it. kind of in the process of doing this to myself... im broken mentally and physically at the minute but i am recovering and getting stronger in both categories. building a better machine. am i obsessing over myself too much? i guess maybe i am or maybe i havent payed enough attention to myself to realize that what i need is in fact a big fat dose of "break down and rebuild". i thought i knew what it felt like to be in this process. i thought i went through this before a year ago.. but this year showed me i didnt know shit. ive never felt stronger and ive also never felt weaker.. but i wouldnt have it any other way because i know what im gonna get in the end

Monday, October 17, 2011

naked mo' fucka.... fightin everyone

somedays i feel like Bronson.... bare ass naked, locked in a cage, fightin with everyone

you think i aint worth a dollar.... but i feel like a millionaire

the phantom club

so, due to the current changes in my life i have decided to go full force and fuck some shit up. i will be putting together my website soon and updating my youtube channel. on this website you will find my art, art for sale, my tattoo portfolio and shirts(coming soon). i dont know why i put this off for so long but.. i guess no time is better than now. keep an eye out

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


i am a product of my current environment.. i dont like what i have become. my job and my character have been stained. i need to fix myself. lets call it spring cleaning. i have alot to do. my body needs to be fixed, relationships to repair and skills to develope. the party has gone on long enough to not be fun anymore. i need to go back to the begining. i need to become a better person for my family, my daughter and my girlfriend. not only have i strained relationships by being a completly selfcentered dick, but i have also strained the integrity of my job and hobby which i love completely by being an unprofessional....self centered dick haha. i have become exactly what i didnt want to become and the exact opposite of what made me stand out from other people to begin with. over the past year and a half i have become a caricature of myself. i need to get back to being joe and not fuckin "bones", as cheesey as that may sound, it makes alot of sense to me and im sure if you knew me 3 years ago it will make sense to you too. TIME TO CLEAN HOUSE!!!! i suggest if you are reading this to do the same. if something isnt right, fix it.. its simple. COME GET A TATTOO BY JOE THIS WEEK>> hes better than bones anyway hahaha.. have a good day

p.s. my girlfriend is the shit, i am very lucky to have her and...... cheesecake factory tonight!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 The Desert Session

Happy new year ladies and gentlemen..
lets face it, for most of us 2010 was a terrible year. i am one of the ones that did not enjoy it very much. there was drama, money problems, work was incredibly slow... i dont know i guess i should be greatful for all the good times. cant be too negetive i guess. so, 2011 seems to off to a really good start. spent new years with my amazing girlfriend and i will be going to vagas in a couple days.... first week of 2011 is awsome. startin off the new year runnin. excited to see how the rest of the year goes. so by this time on tuesday i will be having drinks with a couple friends in the middle of a neon city in the Nevada desert. stay tuned!!