Saturday, December 21, 2013

Made a little progress

Basically put on about 25-30 lbs. the first pic I was around 135-145lbs. The second pic I'm at 170lbs. most of my progress is from the past year. 2010-2012 I didn't really follow a consistent duet, lifting routine or suppliment stack. 2012-2013 got on a serious mass diet, good routine and suppliments. This past 10 months put on around 15-20 lbs. looking to put on another 15 then start cutting. I'm not really that into the super shredded look I more want the over all mass for strength.. Not really trying to get a six pack but if I happen to get one then cool, not on my list of needs though. Deadlifts went from 135lbs to 315, bench press went from 115lbs to 185, standing barbell press went from 75lbs to 115. Those are probably the most dramatic strength gains I've made. More progress coming soon